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KCE Watch Dog Program

What is the Watch Dogs Program?

The Watch D.O.G.S. Program is used across America to positively impact schools by bringing in committed male role models to volunteer during the school day.

Who can sign up?

Any male role model of our students such as dads, step-dads, grandfathers, brothers, uncles, etc.

How do I sign up?

  1. Become a Certified Volunteer
  2. Scan the QR Code on the flyer or click the link below and signup for a date that works for you.

Watch Dogs Signups


A flyer titled %22WATCHDOG SIGN UPS ARE OPEN!%22 for the Kit Carson Elementary School 2024-2025 school year. The flyer promotes the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program, which encourages male role models such as dads, step-dads, grandfathers, brothers, and uncles to volunteer at the school. The flyer includes details on how to sign up: 1) Become a certified volunteer, and 2) Scan the provided QR code to choose a date. The flyer also features the Watch D.O.G.S. logo, contact information fo

Contact the FRC with any questions:

Katrina Coyle